HCLT Timeline of Activities


11 January Trustee Meeting

Discussions around audit requirement for 2021 and 2022, agreed to appoint an auditor. Angela Stratford appointed Chair of Trustees. Good response the December PR in local press regarding last tenants moving in. Rent increases are proceeding in line with CPI increases and subject to 80% of market rent cap. Official opening of the Rachel Watts play park planned for 21 January.

29 March Trustee Meeting

Year ended 31 March 2023 available in draft, showing a small loss due to the rising interest rates and the requirement to provide for the cost of audits.  Audits discussed. Reported that the Corporation tax return has been completed and submitted. Discussed a proposal to invest in a food/beverage property in the village, great concerns about the cost of financing at present rates of interest plus indications that they will continue to rise and an outstanding planning application. No conclusion reached.

27 June Trustee Meeting

Reported that Thomas Quinn auditors appointed for the 2 years 2021 and 2022. Agreed that proceeding with the food/beverage property opportunity not tenable at this time due to cost and financing concerns. 2023 accounts approved. Agreed need to seek another Trustee.

30 August Trustee Meeting

Chasing for audit to be signed off before AGM. Chair's Reports drafted and added to annual accounts. AGM preparation. Lisa Leonard stepping down as housing manager but responsibility is transferring to Palace Green Homes (ECDC) and managed and charged through them moving forward at the same rates as existing and utilising Lisa to staff the work, so there will be negiligble visible change. Invoicing in future via ECDC.

28 September 7th AGM

Annual report delivered by Angela Stratford. Reported on sucessful audits for 2021 and 2022, resolved not to appoint auditors for 2024. Reported on financial result for the year including commentry about interest rate rises and the need to keep reviewing rent in line with CPI. Trustees re-elected by rotation. 

29 November Trustee Meeting

Audit reports and annual accounts filing done and confirmed from FCA. Due to ill health agreed that while SS remains trustee his contact details should be removed. New Trustee Andrew Wilding appointed. Discussed having tenants as trustees and concluded that this would create a conflict of interest when tenancy matters or individual tenants are discussed. Draft budgets approved for 2024 and 2025.



1 December- last 2 properties completed and let. Ovins Rise project completed.


19 October Trustee Meeting

Discussions around the need to extend the terms of the mortgage to cover the last 2 completions projected to be late November/early December. Resolved not to repay the Triodos loan due to concerns about the future mortgage covenant. Resolved to appoint auditors for 2023 year end. Trees are being delivered to replace those that died during the drought.

20 September 6th AGM

Annual report delivered by Stephen Thompson, vote of thanks to Mark Hugo for all his work starting up the CLT and taking the Ovins Rise project to near completion. Accounts received and approved. Trustees re-elected by rotation.

8 June Trustee Meeting

Delays to the house completions planned for June/July due to materials supply issues for Palace Green Homes. 3 completions hoped for by end of August. Interest rate rises causing some concern but we are still operating within budget. Budget for 2022-3 approved. Consultation re the Ovines Rise play area continuing, Parish Council are responsible for this.


31 March Trustee Meeting

Mark Hugo resigned as chair to spend more time with family but is eager to remain as Trustee. Unanimous thanks from all Trustees to Mark. New chair elected Stephen Thompson on a temporary basis as work commitments ramp up late summer. Finances are in line with expectations. Budget to be prepared for next year.  


28 February Trustee Meeting

Next houses are planned to be released summer but there are delays with materials supply. Allocations team reviewing applications for next houses. Finance all going to plan but mortgage rate rises are expected and rents will increase in line with CPI/RPI. PC will carry out consultation re design for play area with children at the Roberts ARkenstall School.




22 November Trustee Meeting

New Trustee Angela Stratford elected. 3 2 bed proerties let in late October, tenants happy. Next houses are planned to be released March 2022 depending on materials supply and COVID restrictions. First rent reviews due January 2022. Appointment of Lisa Leonard as Housing Manager confirmed. Finances running to plan. Allocations for the next houses are underway. 


21 October - Time capsule buried at Ovins Rise by schoolchildren from the Robert Arkenstall Primary School.


27 September Trustee Meeting

New Trustee Graham Couling elected. 3 2 bed properties are due to complete late October. Allocations pprogressing to plan. Carpets and sheds organised. £50k of the Triodos Loan agreed to be repaid early. Financial procedures approved and adopted. Half year accounts discussed, they show a return to full liquidity post the sale of the 2 shared ownership houses. Emergency follow up meeting decided on allocation of certain housing manager tasks and the short term deployment of Lisa Leonard to cover housing manger duties. PR relating to Dr Nik Johnson visit went well.


16 September 2021 Mayor Dr Nik Johnson visits Ovins Rise and expresses his approval and support of the CLT work in Haddenham.


23 August 2021 5th AGM

Minutes of 4th AGM approved and accepted. Mark Hugo reported that 11 properties are now occupied under tennacy/ shared ownership. Vote of thanks given for the hard work and dedication shown by retiring trustees Pauline Wilson, Barry Parr and Nick Abbey the last 2 moving away from the area so can no longer act as trustees.

Financial position healthy and to budget. 31 March 2021 accounts approved and signed by Mark Hugo, Rachel Watts and Martha How.

3 press releases issued during the year were well covered by the local press, site vists from local MP Lucy Frazer well received.

8 more properties are due to be completed over the next year, tenants are in place for some of these but there is still opportunity for tenants interested in 2 bedroom homes. Several existing tenants expressed their gratitude for the work of the CLT in providing them with their new homes.

9 August 2021 Trustee Meeting

Tom Holden elected as Trustee, Nick Abbey (Secretary and Deputy Chair) announced he will stand down as Trustee at the AGM due to moving to Yorkshire. Mark Hugo thanked Nick for his tireless work and support throughout the existence of the Trust. Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2021 agreed subject to approval at the AGM. Virginia Grace to research repayment of part of the Triodos loan early. Rachel Watts agreed to act as Secretary, Tor Taylor as Deputy Chair. Visits from the new mayor and the Triodos manager to be arranged.

30 June 2021- Phase 1 complete- 11 properties under ownership- 2 shared ownership and 9 affordable rents


21 May 2021 Lucy Frazer MP visits Ovins Rise


17 May 2021 Trustee Meeting

Phase 1 building due to complete end June. Financial projections on schedule. Barry Parr announced intention to step down. All trustees grateful for his great contribution, Mark Hugo thanked Barry for his great work with allocations and generally. Lucy Frazer MP site visit agreed at very short notice. Orbit Housing are applying for planning permission at Chewells Close. Change of mayor in the Combined Authority may mean less support for CLTs. 

22 February 2021 Trustee Meeting

New trustee Stephen Thompson appointed. 5 bungalows now owned. Allocations for properties in phase 1 now complete. Financial projections are on schedule. PR re first 2 properties done and press cover in local news media received. First newsletter produced by Graham How. 

22 January -Tenants welcomed into the first 2 one bedroom bungalows.

14 January 2021 Trustee Meeting

Mortgage, sales and loan agreements approved for signature. Financial projections, grants and funding discussed. Carpets and curtain rails have been arranged for installation prior to first tenants but sheds will be installed later on due to the supplier needing to fix a stable base. Pauline Wilson resigned as Trustee and Mark Hugo thanked her for all her work.

Planned completion of purchase of the first 2 properties from Palace Green Homes and start of new tenancies week ending 22 January. PR discussed and approved to be handled by Martha How. Tor Taylor handling welcome gifts for new tenants.

Auditor for the Homes England grant identified and agreed.

It was agreed new trustees would welcomed.



14 December 2020 Trustee Meeting

​Mortgage, sales and loan agreements discussed, all nearing completion. Financial projections, grants and funding discussed all under constant review. Progress on sourcing house insurance, carpets and sheds. Parish Council agreed to adopt green spaces, footpaths and childrens play area and Mark Hugo put on record CLT gratitude for this. 


Site progress is good- first 4 CLT homes should be delivered January/February 2021. Palace Green Homes report purchasers for the non-CLT homes are being identified. Plot 3 has been identified as a show-home. Some issues with complaints in respect of mud at the access point, PGH now engage a road sweeper every week. PR needs to be ramped up in 2021.


Initial tenants identified and clearance checks proceeding. 


Site closure 23 December- 4 January.


15 September 2020 4th AGM

3rd AGM minutes approved. Victoria Taylor and Virginia Grace elected Trustees. Amanda James resigned as trustee during the year and Mark Hugo thanked her for her contribution.

Site report- delays due to COVID lockdown has delayed the whole development but work re-commenced in May. A delivery schedule for the first phase of homes has been agreed starting in Decemeber 2020. Mortgage terms (Triodos Bank) and sales and loan agreement terms (Palace Green Homes) have been agreed subject to a few final amendments and will be signed in the next few months.


Allocations report- the number of applications for the 19 HCLT properties exceed supply. 5 prospective tennants of the 1 bedroom bungalows have been invited to have their details validated and the selection process for the 2 2 bedroom shared properties has begun.


The site will be named Ovins Rise, this has been agreed by ECDC. Ovin was St Etheldreda's steward and it is believed he spent a lot of time in Haddenham/Aldreth.


Finances- HCLT has depended on grant money from Homes England and the Parish Council to fund activities to date. Accounts do not require an audit under the HCLT constitution but are formally finalised and filed with the FCA and HMRC. 


10 September 2020 Trustee Meeting

Mortgage, sales and loan agreements discussed. House extras such as carpets and garden sheds discussed. Matters in respect of tennancies and tennancy agreements considered and progressed.


25 August 2020 Trustee Meeting

New trustee Virginia Grace co-opted. Site progress discussed. Mortgage, sales and loan agreement with Palace Green Homes discussed. AGM date set.

29 July 2020- Trustees visited site

Two one bed bungalows well advanced with roofing and floors complete and interiors progressing. A range of other properties in differing stages of build are well underway. Site drainage and pumping station complete.  

Mortgage application and negotiation process in progress.

18 May 2020- Work on site gradually recommenced.

25 March 2020- Work on site temporarily halted due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

17 February 2020- Trustee Meeting

Detailed discussions on allocations and mortgage application. Palace Green Homes update as per West End Gardens tab.


14 January 2020- Trustee Meeting

Reports back from 3 sub-commitees re Finance, Allocations, Specifications. Website updated. Mortgage application has gone for approval. Bank mandate signed for new signatories. Palace Green Homes update as per West End Gardens tab.



27 November 2019- Trustee Meeting

New Trustee Tor Taylor elected. Sub-commitees for Finance, Allocations and Building Specifications formed. Update from Palace Green Homes access road to West End site started, infrastructure and drains due to start. Mortgage apllication in progress with Charity Bank. Solictors Bruton Knowles selected. Report on webiste needing updating.


18 September 2019- Trustee Meeting

Update from Palace Green Homes groundworks due to start December 2019. HCLT homes should become available from Summer 2020. Ongoing discussions with mortgage provider Charity Bank. Draft Tennancy Agreements and Shared Ownership Agreements discused. Parish Council have indicated willingness to provide £5k grant to assist with the allocations process. Update on development will be drafted for October Village Voice. Website to be updated. Future clerking to be provided by Rachel Watts. Allocations process, financial model, housing management discussed.


11 June 2019- 3rd AGM

Trustees re-elected. Accounts approved. Update from Palace Green Homes as 14 May Trustee meeting.


14 May 2019- Trustee Meeting

New Trustee Amanda James elected. Update from Palace Green Homes- work on site unlikely to start until Summer/Autumn 2019 due to delays with planning and the archaeological survey. Updates on mortgage application, grant application. Allocations process discussed. Martha How to take over as Treasurer and Nick Abbey as Secretary.



31 October 2018- Report to Members

Extensive archaeological work ongoing on 1st century AD Romano British farmstead.2 public open days planned 6 and 9 November 2018 and the Robert Arkenstall Primary School visit on 9 November. Delay to build and review of existing applications due to archaeology. 


28 August 2018-Report to Members

Report to Members- work ongoing to satisfy conditions of planning approval, S106 approval, selecting contractors and archaeological survey. Initial archaeological survey found evidence of iron age homestead and ECDC requested further work. Site build therefore delayed. Trustees working on financial planning, processes and procedures for management.


8 May2018- 2nd AGM

2nd AGM- standard business accepting accounts, election of officers, update on West End Gardens (now named) development, build commencement date still not set.


7 February 2018-ECDC Planning Committee Meeting

ECDC Planning Committee granted planning permission for West End Development, planning committee very supportive, site to be named.


9 October 2017- Report to Members Planning Application Submitted

28 September 2017

Design finalised by Palace Green Homes, number of affordable homes increased from 16 to 19 (35% of the total of 54), consultation process to follow and Parish Council will be asked for input


25 September 2017- Trustees Meeting

Trustee Meeting- signed off planning application


8 May 2017- Public Meeting

-Public meeting- 88 attendees(43 Members,45 Non-Members),clear support for the HCLT concept to lead community driven development and provide affordable housing, feedback on enhancements to West End design positive, planning application will be submitted, Membership increasing to near 100.


20 April 2017- 1st AGM

-AGM- attended by 43 Members, update on West End re-design following feedback, concerns regarding access and other matters noted to be addressed.


7 December 2016- Public Meeting

-Consultation meeting- 150 attendees, good useful feedback received, 22 extra Members signed up.


14 November 2016-Trustee Meeting

-Trustee Meeting- discussed progress of design work and ideas for house styles from architects Saunders Boston. Arranged public drop-in consultation session for 7 December to discuss project.


14 July 2016- Notice to Members

-Notice to Members explaining – in the end only 2 sites were offered, West End site preferred site, Palace Green Homes to carry out initial design and submit planning pre-application to East Cambs District Council, no commitment to buy at this stage, 40 Members at this stage.


12 June 2016- Members Meeting

-HCLT meeting with 31 Members,4 plots of land discussed.


8 June2016- Statutory Registration

-Haddenham Community Land Trust registered with Financial Conduct Authority as a Community Benefit Society- Registration Number 7344

15 March 2016- Public Meeting

-First public meeting to discuss Haddenham Community Land Trust aims and objectives.

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Arkenstall Centre
c/o The Library,



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© Chris Ray